Is there any school level online olympiad exam?
HSTSE is a single level examination, open to all the students of class 1 to 10. Question paper will comprise of Mental & Logical Ability, Mathematics, Science and English questions. HSTSE exam is conducted separately online for direct/individual candidates and paper-based only through schools.
HSTSE - Online (For direct/individual candidates): Hindustan Study Talent Search Exam (HSTSE) online is India’s favorite and most popular online Olympiad examination. This exam is conducted for the students of class 1 to 10. Any student can participate in this exam as it is open to all.
HSTSE - Online / Paper-based (Only through Schools): Paper-based HSTSE exam is conducted through school. Students have to fill the form in the school and exam will be conducted inside-school campus during school hours.
If you are a student and want to participate in the paper-based HSTSE exam, please contact your school teacher. They will be able to provide you examination form.
If you represent a school and want to conduct HSTSE exam at your school, please register your school by clicking HERE.
How to register for online scholarship Olympiad exam?
HSTSE Online Scholarship Olympiad is open for all the students studying in classes 1 to 10. Students can register online for the exam directly. To register for HSTSE Scholarship Olympiad, please click HERE.
If Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE) - Online is an online exam, can I give this exam from my home?
Yes, this is the best part of ISTSE - Online exam. You can directly register and give the exam from your home. To give ISTSE exam, you need a desktop or laptop or tablet with webcam and internet connection.
How can I check if I can use my computer/tablet to appear in the ISTSE Online exam or not?
To participate in the ISTSE-online exam, it is compulsory for you to have access to a computer(laptop or desktop) / tablet with a web camera and internet(speed > 512kbps) connection. Click HERE to check if your computer/tablet can be used to appear in ISTSE Online Exam. Please run this test on the computer/tablet you are planning to use for giving the ISTSE Online exam.
Important instruction about the exam is provided in the “ISTSE Online Exam - Detailed Instruction” document.
Is there any level - 2 exam for ISTSE?
It is not exactly level -2 exam but, 30 minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.
I am among the top 10 marks holder. Does this mean I will be in the top 10 rank holders also?
No. There can be a situation when more than one student can get the same marks. It may result in more than ten students getting top 10 cut-off marks. There can be 10 / 11 / 15 / 18 / 25 students in the top ten marks holders
We will be conducting an interview/viva for all the students who have scored greater than or equal to the top 10 cut-off marks.
The final rank will be decided based on their written + interview marks. For example, if 15 students are there as top 10 marks holder, then, in the most probable cases, these students will get their rank from anything between 1 to 15.
If students give ISTSE exam from the house, then kids can do cheating. How will they ensure the fair exam conduction?
Indian School Talent Search Exam(ISTSE) - online is committed towards the fair conduction of the examination. We are the first and only online talent exams for school kids with AI-enabled anti-cheating tools to prevent any malpractice during the exam. ISTSE exam system is equipped with an advanced AI-based anti-cheating module, advanced software tools and manual monitoring to support fair conduction of the examination.
30 minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.
What is the interview evaluation criteria?
Note: Appearing in the interview/viva does not guarantee that you will get a top 10 rank. If 20 students are there as top 10 marks holder, then, in the most probable cases, these students will get any rank between 1 to 20.
How do you evaluate/mark subjective questions during interview?
To evaluate subjective questions, we look for keywords in the answer. The answer to each subjective question should contain these keywords.
For example, if the question is 'What is photosynthesis?" then, keywords will be "sunlight", "carbon dioxide", "chlorophyll", "oxygen".
If the student uses only two keywords, he/she will get marks only for those keywords. Some keywords have more weightage than others based on their importance.
I am already getting the scholarship, can I get the scholarship again for next exam?
No. The student is not eligible to receive the scholarship for the same class again. For example, if a student is getting a scholarship for class 4(through Winter Online Exam), she/he will not be eligible for the Class 4 Summer online exam scholarship. Note:

How to register for Indian School Talent Search Exam(ISTSE)?
Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE) is conducted separately online for direct/individual candidates and paper-based only through schools.
Register for ISTSE-Online (for direct/individual candidates): Click HERE to register for online olympiad exam.
Register for ISTSE-Paper-based (only through schools): If you are a student and want to participate in the paper-based ISTSE exam, please contact your school teacher. They will be able to provide you examination form. If you represent a school and want to conduct ISTSE exam at your school, please register your school by clicking HERE.
If there any school level scholarship exam in India?
You can win a scholarship of ₹1500/- per month by participating in ISTSE. Click Award Details.
How to preparare for Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)?
ISTSE exam is conducted on the defined syllabus, which is almost similar to your school syllabus. Please visit syllabus page to get the detailed syllabus. is our official partner. You can visit for ISTSE preparatory material.
Is individual registration for olympiad is possible? How can I individually register for olympiad exams?
Yes, “Indian School Talent Search Exam - Online” (ISTSE-online) is an an online scholarship exam conducted for kids studying in class 1 to 10. This exam is open for all the students. You can directly / individually register yourself for visiting HERE.
I do not have a computer / tablet at home. How can I participate in the ISTSE-Online exam?
To participate in the ISTSE-online exam, it is compulsory for you to have access to a laptop or desktop or tablet with a web camera and internet(speed > 512kbps) connection. Click HERE for System Compatibility Check.
I have a computer and internet connection, but I do not have web-camera. Can I appear in the exam?
No. For taking the exam, you should have a computer/tablet, a web-camera and internet connection. If you do not have a web camera, you can rent it from your nearest cyber cafe for a day.
Can I take the examination from a mobile phone?
Yes, you can take the ISTSE exam through a smartphone with a Google Chrome browser. However, although you can take the exam on a smartphone, we prefer it should be taken through a desktop or laptop or tablet with a web camera and good internet connection.
Can I give this exam from a cybercafe?
Our first preference will be that you should appear for the exam from your home. If however, you plan on taking the exam from a cyber cafe, you must first make sure that the computer is eligible for taking up the exam. To check if you can appear in the exam through the machine, please click on the Check Your System link from the cybercafe computer. Register yourself only after getting the confirmation.
I am getting some error while running the system test. To whom I should contact?
In case you are facing issue while running the system test, please contact support at +91-63663-70536.
I want to participate in the paper-based exam. How can I participate, if my school is not participating?
Paper-based ISTSE exam is conducted through school. Students have to fill the form in the school and exam will be conducted inside-school campus during school hours.
If you are a student and want to participate in the paper-based ISTSE exam, please contact your school teacher. They will be able to provide you examination form.
If you represent a school and want to conduct ISTSE exam at your school, please register your school by clicking HERE.
I am living outside India. Can I participate?
Yes. If you are studying or following the Indian syllabus and want to appear in ISTSE Online exam, you can do that. If your school is not registered with us, please register as an individual/direct student by visiting NOTE: We ship certificate/medal/shield/book only to an Indian address.
I want to participate in the paper-based exam. How can I participate, if my school is not participating?
Paper-based ISTSE exam is conducted through school. Students have to fill the form in the school and exam will be conducted inside-school campus during school hours.
If you are a student and want to participate in the paper-based ISTSE exam, please contact your school teacher. They will be able to provide you examination form.
If you represent a school and want to conduct ISTSE exam at your school, please register your school by clicking HERE.
What is the last date of registration for the Olympiad Exams?
Below is the last date of registration for Olympiad exams:
Indian School Talent Search Exam - Online (For direct/individual candidates): Limited seats available
Indian School Talent Search Exam - Paper-based/Online (Only through Schools): Last a few seats available
What is the exam date for Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)?
Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE) Exam Dates:
ISTSE - Online (For direct/individual candidates):
ISTSE - Paper-based/ (Only through Schools): 3rd February 2022.
Can I pay registration fee through bamk transfer or using UPI?
- Account Name:
- Account No:
- Bank Name:
- Brach:
HSTSE is a single level examination, open to all the students of class 1 to 10. Quetion paper will comprise of Mental & Logical Ability, Mathematics, Science and English questions. HSTSE exam is conducted separately online for direct/individual candidates and paper-based only through schools.
HSTSE - Online (For direct/individual candidates):
Indian School Talent Search Exam (HSTSE) online is India’s
favorite and most popular online olympiad
This exam is conducted for the students of
class 1 to 10. Any student can participate in this exam as it is open to
HSTSE - Online / Paper-based (Only through Schools): Paper-based HSTSE exam is conducted through school. Students have to
fill the form in the school and exam will be conducted inside-school campus during school hours.
If you are a student and want to participate in the paper-based HSTSE exam, please contact your school teacher. They will be able to provide you examination form.
If you represent a school and want to conduct HSTSE exam at your school, please register your school by clicking HERE.
HSTSE Online Scholarship Olympiad is open for all the students studying in classes 1 to 10. Students can register online for the exam directly. To register for HSTSE Scholarship Olympiad, please click HERE.
To participate in the HSTSE-online exam, it is compulsory for you to have access to a computer(laptop or desktop) / tablet with a web camera and internet(speed > 512kbps) connection. Click HERE to check if your computer/tablet can be used to appear in HSTSE Online Exam. Please run this test on the computer/tablet you are planning to use for giving the HSTSE Online exam.
Important instruction about the exam is provided in the “HSTSE Online Exam - Detailed Instruction” document.
It is not exactly level -2 exam but, 30 minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.
No. There can be a situation when more than one student can get the same marks. It may result in more than ten students getting top 10 cut-off marks. There can be 10 / 11 / 15 / 18 / 25 students in the top ten marks holders
We will be conducting an interview/viva for all the students who have scored greater than or equal to the top 10 cut-off marks.
The final rank will be decided based on their written + interview marks. For example, if 15 students are there as top 10 marks holder, then, in the most probable cases, these students will get their rank from anything between 1 to 15.
Hindustan Study Talent Search Exam(HSTSE) - online is committed towards the fair conduction of the examination. We are the first and only online talent exams for school kids with AI-enabled anti-cheating tools to prevent any malpractice during the exam. HSTSE exam system is equipped with an advanced AI-based anti-cheating module, advanced software tools and manual monitoring to support fair conduction of the examination.
30 minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.
30 minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks. Apart from general questions, student will be asked 20 academic questions from maths, science, english and reasoning.
In Interview, marks will be awarded for:
quality of the answer
ability to interpret the question.
faster response time for answering each question.
Note: Every question did not carry the same weightage.
In Interview, marks will be deducted for:
incorrect or shortness or vagueness of answer.
malpractice or cheating or prompt by other person during the interview
Note: Marks will not be affected by fluency in English or poor internet.
Note: Appearing in the interview/viva does not guarantee that you will get a top 10 rank. If 20 students are there as top 10 marks holder, then, in the most probable cases, these students will get any rank between 1 to 20.
To evaluate subjective questions, we look for keywords in the answer. The answer to each subjective question should contain these keywords.
For example, if the question is 'What is photosynthesis?" then, keywords will be "sunlight", "carbon dioxide", "chlorophyll", "oxygen".
If the student uses only two keywords, he/she will get marks only for those keywords. Some keywords have more weightage than others based on their importance.
No. The student is not eligible to receive
the scholarship for the same class again. For example, if a student
is getting a scholarship for class 4(through
Winter Online Exam), she/he will not be eligible for the Class
4 Summer online exam scholarship.

Register for HSTSE-Online (for direct/individual candidates): Click HERE to register for online olympiad exam.
Register for HSTSE-Paper-based (only through schools):
If you are a student and want to participate
in the paper-based HSTSE exam, please contact your school teacher. They
will be able to provide you examination form.
If you represent a school and want to
conduct HSTSE exam at your school, please register your school by clicking HERE.