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Advance Digital Marketing

Advance Digital Marketing Training

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Hindustan study is Best digital marketing Institutes and Providing the practical training as per industry standards. Our Advance Digital Marketing Training will help you master the subject in theory and practical. Our course includes website designing, Search engine optimization, Search Engine Marketing (Google ads & Bing Ads), Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Inbound Marketing, Money Making Strategies and more. We deliver the digital marketing training in classroom & We are offering both Weekdays and Weekends Classes for Digital Marketing. We are offering Advance Digital Marketing Training in Darbhanga,Bihar from expert trainers. We believe in practical oriented training, so we help students with practical examples and assignments in training course.


  • .Overview of Advance Digital Marketing

    • what is marketing and digital marketing?
    • understanding Marketing and Digital Marketing Process?

    Website Creation

    • Introduction to Web Technologies
    • Careers in Web Technologies and Job Roles
    • Roles How the Website Works?
    • Client and Server Scripting Languages
    • Difference between a Web Designer and Web Developer
    • Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites)
    • Responsive design and layout


    • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
    • Color mode & resolution
    • Types of Graphics
    • Export image
    • Animated Image
    • Tools Ruler and scaling
    • Create Logos Photos masking


    • Introduction to HTML5
    • Introduction to HTML5
    • What’s new in HTML5


    • Introduction to CSS3.0
    • What’s new in CSS 3.0
    • Border
    • border-image
    • border-radius CSS Shadows
    • Text-shadow
    • Box-shadow Background
    • background-clip
    • background-size
    • background-origin
    • background-image

    Java Script

    • Syntax
    • Enabling
    • Placement
    • Variables
    • Operators

    Dreamweaver cc

    • Interface
    • hoosing a workspace
    • document window & toolbars
    • he document window
    • the launcher
    • the insert panel & tool sets
    • the document toolbar
    • the property inspector
    • dockable floating panels
    • using contextual menus Site Control
    • defining a site file and folder management
    • creating site maps using the file browser


    • About CMS and creating website in WordPress
    • WordPress Installation
    • Create domain email accounts
    • WordPress introduction themes
    • How to create pages and post in wordpress
    • Categories vs tags
    • How to create Menus in WordPress
    • Free theme customization part 1
    • Free theme customization part 2
    • Free theme customization part 3
    • Overview , Analysis, Installation & use of Plugins
    • Content Development
    • Payment gateway and website security
    • Domain Booking
    • Server & Hosting
    • One Live Project

    Search Engine Optimization

    • What is SEO?
    • What are search engines and their functions ?
    • Understanding traffic , keywords etc
    • On page optimization
      • Site Analysis
      • Keyword Research With Google Keyword Planner
      • Keyword Planning
      • Domain
      • URL Structure
      • Title Tag
      • Meta Tag
      • Google Analytics (Code Generation)
      • Canonical Tag
      • H1 Tag
      • Image Optimization (Alt Tag)
      • Anchor Tag
      • Content Optimization
      • Sitemap Creation & Submission (html and xml)
      • Robots.txt
      • Custom 404
      • 01 Redirect
      • .htaccess
    • Off page optimization
      • What is Off page SEO?
      • Why Off page is Important
      • What are Backlinks?
      • Backlinks Creation Methods
      • Difference Between Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks
      • What is Google Page Rank
      • How to Increase Google Page Rank
      • Web Directory Submissions
      • Social Bookmarking
      • Article Writing & Submission
      • Press Release Writing & Submission
      • Comment Blogging
      • Classifieds Posting
      • Forum Posting
      • Link Exchange (One way, two way and three way)
      • Search Engine Submissions
      • RSS Feeds
    • Google Web Master Tool (Search Console )
    • Bing Web Master Tool
    • SEO Interview Questions
    • Others SEO Tools

    PPC Advertising (Google Ads & Express)

    • Understanding in organic search results
    • ntroduction to Google ads & PPC advertising
    • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo)
    • Setting up Google ads account
    • Understanding adwords account structure
    • Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc.
    • Types of Advertising campaigns-Search, Display,
    • Difference between search & display campaign
    • How does adwords rank ads
    • Understanding adwords algorithm (adrank) in detail with examples
    • What is quality score
    • Why quality score is important What is CTR?
    • Why CTR is important Understanding bids
    • Advanced level bid strategies
    • Enhanced CPC
    • What are flexible bidding strategies
    • Understanding ad-extensions
    • Types of ad-extensions
    • Adding ad-extensions in our Campaign
    • Creating adgroups
    • Finding relevant adgroups options using tool
    • creating adgroups using tool
    • Understanding keywords
    • Finding relevant keywords
    • Adding keywords in ad-group using keyword planner tool
    • Understanding types of keywords Board, Phrase, Exact, Synonym & Negative
    • Examples of types of keywords
    • Google Web Master Tool (Search Console )
    • Creating ads
    • understanding ad metrics Display & destination URL
    • How to write a compelling ad copy
    • Best & worst examples of ads Creating ads
    • Tracking Performance/Conversion
    • What is conversion tracking Why is it important
    • How to set up conversion tracking
    • Adding tracking code in your website
    • Checking conversion stats
    • Optimizing Search Campaigns
    • Remarketing

    Social Media Marketing

    • What is social media
    • understanding the existing social media paradigms & psychology
    • How social media marketing is different than others

    Facebook & Instagram Marketing

    • Understanding Facebook marketing practical session
    • Creating Facebook Page
    • Increasing fans on fan page
    • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples)
    • Fan engagement
    • Important apps to do fan page merketing
    • Facebook Advertising
    • Types of Facebook advertising
    • Best practices for Facebook advertising
    • Creating Facebook advertising campaign
    • argeting in ad campaign
    • Payment module-CPC vs CPM-CPA
    • Setting up conversion tracking
    • facebook instant articles
    • facebook creator studio
    • Ad breaks

    Linkedin Marketing

    • What is Linkedin
    • Understanding Linkedin
    • company profile vs Individual Profiles (Difference between Individual and Company Profiles)
    • Understanding Linkedin Groups (Manage Linkedin groups)
    • How to do marketing on Linkedin groups
    • Linkedin Advertising & it best Practices
    • Increase ROI from Linkedin ads
    • Linkedin Publishing

    Twitter Advertising

    • understanding twitter
    • Tools to listen & measure influence on Twiiter: Tweetdeck, Klout, PeerIndex
    • ow to do marketing on Twitter
    • Black hat techniques of Twitter Marketing
    • Advertising on Twitter
    • Creating Campaigns
    • Types of Ads
    • Tools of twitter Marketing

    Quora Marketing

    video Marketing

    • Understanding Campaigns
    • creating 1st campaign
    • Importance of marketing
    • Benefits of marketing
    • using you tube for Business
    • Developing you tube for Marketing strategy
    • Get traffic through you tube channel/ to your website
    • Create adgroup
    • Targeting options
    • YouTube Monetization
    • How to Increase Youtube (Views, Subscriber Etc.)

    Google Analytics

    • Introduction to Google analytics
    • How Google analytics works
    • Understanding Google analytics account structure
    • Understanding Gooogle analytics insights
    • Understanding cookie tracking
    • Types of cookie tracking used by Google analytics
    • How to set up analytics account
    • Hot to add analytics code in website
    • Understanding goals and conversion how to setup goals?
    • Understanding different types of goals
    • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
    • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate how to reduce bounce rate
    • How to setup goals
    • Importance of funnels
    • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
    • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
    • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics
    • Understanding filters & segments
    • How to set up filters & segments
    • How to view customized reports
    • Monitoring traffic sources
    • Monitoring traffic behavior
    • Taking corrective actions if required

    Mobile Web Marketing

    • Understanding Mobile Devices
    • Mobile Marketing and Social Media
    • Mobile Marketing Measurement and Analytics
    • Fundamentals of Mobile marketing
      • Email Marketing
        • Database Collection of Email Id’s
        • Service provider (Mailchimp, Sendgrid)
        • mail Templates
    • App Store optimization (ASO)
    • Addmob
    • SMS marketing
    • Whatsapp Marketing

    Online Reputation Management (ORM)

    • What is online reputation management
    • Why online reputation management
    • Understanding ORM scenario
    • How to deal with criticism online
    • ways to create positive brand image online
    • Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation
    • Step by step guide to overcome negative online reputation
    • Best examples of online reputation management

    Adsense & Blogging

    • What is Adsense
    • How to get approved for Adsense
    • Cool trick to get Adsense approval by Google
    • Using your adsense account interface Placing ads on your blog
    • Creating blogs with our Free theme
    • What is Blogging
    • How to Blog
    • What is WordPress and How to Create with WordPress
    • WordPress Themes and Plugins

    Affiliates 2

    • What is Affiliates
    • How to join and Earn with Affiliates
    • op Indian and Worldwide Bloggers
    • How ot Earn Money with Blogging

    Ecommerce Marketing

    • What is Ecommerce
    • Top Ecommerce Website around the world
    • Ecommerce scenario in India
    • How to do SEO of an Ecommerce website
    • Why you need a solid Ecommerce marketing strategy
    • Formulating right Ecommerce marketing strategy
    • Ecommerce business
    • Case studies on Ecommerce website
    • Opencart

    How To Grab Freelancing Projects?


    • Google ads Fundamental
    • Google ads Search
    • Google ads Display
    • Google ads Video
    • Google ads Shopping
    • Google ads Mobile
    • Google Analytics
    • Assessment Certification
    • Hotspot




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