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Python Full Stack with React


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Python is one of the most used programming languages for web development. It is the language which is popularly used for back-end development while it is also used for front-end development. It is a very powerful high-level, object-oriented programming language. Python is an interpreted language and interpreters are available for many operating systems, allowing Python code to run on a wide variety of systems. It is a language which has code which can be packaged into stand-alone executable programs. It is one of the most demanded programming languages with thousands of python developers all over the globe who are uplifting their careers and becoming python full-stack developers.

Python is a very powerful high-level, object-oriented programming language. Python is an interpreted language. Python interpreters are available for many operating systems, allowing Python code to run on a wide variety of systems. Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe or Pyinstaller Python code can be packaged into stand-alone executable programs. Django is an extremely widely used framework, and because it’s open source. Django is a web framework which written in python & follows the MVC architectural pattern. It is maintained by the django software foundation, an independent organization. There are many other frameworks like Pyramid,web2py, Flask etc. which support developers in the design & maintenance of complex applications. Pyjamas & IronPython can be used to develop the client-side of ajax-based applications.

Important: Python works best for prototyping, machine learning apps, OS, language development, games, and graphic designing/ image processing where they can easily develop both client and server software.

Where everyday students want to uplift their career and learn something more to get some better future aspects. They look for an institute which offers a python full-stack developer course where they can get better career prospects for the future. Hindustan Study is the institute which offers the best python full stack developer training where they offer IT training from 20+ years. Where they have professionally trained and experienced faculty members which offers quality education. The institute offers online and offline classes where students can choose according to their preferences. It is an institute where they offer theoretical and practical training and make the students expertise in the field. It has a placement cell which helps the students to build the resume and help the young talent to get a job at top companies with a good salary package.

What Is Python Full Stack Developer?

Python is a versatile high-level programming language which is used for scientific data and has structured as well as unstructured data. Where a python full stack developer has expertise in using Python language for all the applications. It is a language which permits the computer system which executes software and makes it easy to communicate with each other. Python has the code which easily interacts with the code which is written with many other languages like C, JavaScript and others which provide an entire web stack. A python full stack developer needs to work on the frontend and backend. While in simple words full stack developers help to create a website which has effective look and efficient functionality.

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Fast Facts: Python is a great programming language to support you in full-stack development. A full-stack web developer is a person who can develop both client and server software. In addition to mastering HTML and CSS, he/she also knows how to: Program a browser (like using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, or Vue) and Program a server (like using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node).

What You Will Need To Learn To Become A Python Full Stack Developer?

While you are a beginner you need to become an expert on both sides to acquaint yourself and become an expert.

Front End Development:

  • It has a minimal list covering where you need to know and started with front-end development:
  • It has web fundamentals of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • JavaScript library like jQuery.
  • Where front-end JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS.
  • It has a CSS framework like Bootstrap.

Back End Development:

  • It also has a minimal list covering where you need to get started with back-end development:
  • A database like MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.
  • Python back-end frameworks such as Django or Flask.
  • Git is a source code management and version control.
  • Designing and building application programming interfaces.
  • CRUD operation.

Tips To Become A Python Full Stack Developer

Start Learning Front End Web Development: You can start by learning Python and back-end stuff where you have the reverse way as well. If you are a beginner in web development, it is better to start by learning with front-end technology. HTML is a markup language which helps to create the basic part of a website like a header, image, paragraph and others.

Master The Fundamentals Of Python: Python is a popular, powerful and syntax-friendly programming language. It is necessary to know the basics of python while it is relatively easy to understand the programming language. It has an understanding of basic syntax, how to write code, how the loop works, how to write functions, how to write a conditional statement and others. Where you need to start learning with basics and then you need to move the next step ahead.

Learn A Web Development Framework (Django or Flask): It is time to learn back end development framework. It is a language which has two frameworks and is available on web development Django and Flask. Django is difficult to learn where they have a rocket science and you need to become a master if you are spending enough time working on these tools. Django has a model view template which has unique features. It is difficult to start and it is simple to become a master of it.

Plan Your Progress With Small Achievable Goals: While learning the python full stack course you need to plan the things accordingly where you need to progress on small goals where it involves various languages, frameworks, and techniques. Where you have various concepts to learn and help the structure of a plan which decomposes on the goal and needs to meet the goals with realistic deadlines. It is necessary for you to make the achievable goal and meet the targets.

Build A Web Development Portfolio: For each web developer and engineer as front end, back end, or haystack needs an online portfolio which showcases their work. It helps to update the strongest project where you start applying. It is necessary to learn with front-end development and back-end development where you can add projects and portfolios based on the work and need to build a portfolio entitled about your learning. Where clients know about you when they can easily run the codes and count.

What Are The Career Opportunities for Python Full Stack Developers?

A python full stack developer is one of the excellent career choices where many people look for a career in this platform. There are many job options after python full stack developer training and becoming an expert in the field. They have job options like software engineer, Microsoft developer, process project manager, computer vision engineer, application developer, and others. Where python full stack developer salary is 4.4 LPA which goes to 14.5 LPA in India. While they can easily lookout for a career outside the career and get good salary packages.

Key Takeaways:

  • The demand for full-stack developers is high.
  • The average salary of full-stack developers in India is around 6 LPA.
  • You know about multiple aspects of development.
  • It has better productivity.

Reasons To Choose Hindustan Study For Full Stack Training

  • Hindustan Study is one of the best institutes for full stack courses and offers quality education for 20+ years.
  • We offer online and offline classes where students can choose according to their preferences.
  • It has experienced and professional faculty members.
  • Students get training according to industry standards and focus on live projects.
  • Institute has a well-equipped infrastructure with proper ventilated classes and facility labs and a proper wifi system.
  • Students get a properly detailed course syllabus through our expert counsellor and easily help to clarify their doubts.
  • Easy access to class after completion of the course and easily clear the doubts without any charges.
  • We teach the students to build resumes.
  • We also offer internships for the students.
  • We have a placement cell which helps the students to get the job at top companies with a high salary package.



Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

1: Which institute is best for a python full stack developer?

Ans: Hindustan Study is one of the best institutes for learning python full stack developers.

2: How long does it take to become a python, full stack developer?

Ans: To learn python full stack developer course you can generally learn in minimum of three months.

3: Is a python full stack developer a good career?

Ans: Yes, python full stack developer is one of the best career choice and get many career opportunities with good salary.

4: What is the average salary of a full-stack developer in India?

Ans: The average salary of a full stack developer is 4-5 LPA.

5: Is python a full stack developer in demand?

Ans: Yes, it is one of the trendiest profiles which is high in demand in 2022.

6: Is a full-stack developer a good career in 2022?

Ans: Yes it is one of the best career choices in 2022.

7: How can I become a full-stack developer in 3 months?

Ans: To become a professional full stack developer enrol yourself at Hindustan Study and become an expert.

8: Can anyone be a full-stack developer?

Ans: To become a full stack developer you need to have knowledge of computer science and basic knowledge of the programming language.

9: Do we offer certificates after completion of the course?

Ans: Yes, we offer certificates after completion of the course.

10: How does your placement team help the students to get the job?

Ans: We have experts in our team who help the students to build teh resume and organise campus drive for the young talents to get the job.

  • .Introduction to WEB

    • What is Web?
    • Web Features?
    • W3C and W3C Members
    • Introduction to What WG

    Core HTML

    • Introduction
    • Parts in HTML Document
    • Version Information
    • Head Section
    • Meta Information
    • Favicons
    • Body Section
    • Anchors, Images

    Advance HTML5

    • Introduction
    • Why HTML5?
    • New Features and Groups
    • Structure of HTML5 Document
    • Power of HTML5 and Features
    • Semantics and Block Level Elements
    • HTML5 Forms
    • HTML5 Multimedia
    • HTML5 Graphics

    Core CSS

    • Introduction
    • CSS Basics
    • CSS Introduction
    • CSS Syntax
    • CSS Versions
    • CSS Id & Class
    • CSS Styling
    • Styling Backgrounds
    • Styling Text
    • Styling Fonts
    • CSS Borders

    Advance CSS

    • Introduction
    • CSS3 Modules
    • Selectors
    • Box Model
    • Backgrounds and Borders
    • Text Effects
    • 2D/3D Transformations
    • Core &Adanced Animations
    • Multiple Column Layout
    • User Interface

    Core JavaScript

    • What is Script? Types of Scripts?
    • Introduction to JavaScript
    • Comments and Types of Comments
    • Popup Boxes
    • Variables & Operators
    • JavaScript Functions and Events
    • Conditional Statements
    • Looping Control Statement

    Advance JavaScript

    • Types of Errors
    • Exception Handling
    • Java Script Objects
    • Browser Objects
    • Validations in JS


    • Introduction to Python
    • What is Python?
    • History of Python
    • Python Versions
    • Features of Python
    • How to Install Python
    • Install Python with Diff IDEs
    • Creating Your First Python Program
    • Printing to the Screen
    • Reading Keyboard Input
    • Using Command Prompt and GUI or IDE

    Different Modes in Python

    • Execute the Script
    • Interactive Mode
    • Script Mode
    • Python Comments
    • Working with Python in Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac/Android
    • Python New IDEs
    • PyCharm IDE
    • How to Work on PyCharm
    • PyCharm Components
    • Debugging process in PyCharm
    • SublimeText IDE
    • What is PIP?

    Variables in Python

    • What is Variable?
    • Variables in Python
    • Constants in Python
    • Standard Data Types
    • Operators and Operands
    • Swap variables
    • Type Conversion
    • String Handling

    Python Conditional Statements

    • How to use “if condition” in conditional structures
    • if statement (One-Way Decisions)
    • if .. else statement (Two-way Decisions)
    • How to use “else condition”
    • if ..elif .. else statement (Multi-way)
    • When “else condition” does not work
    • How to use “elif” condition
    • How to execute conditional statement with minimal code
    • Nested IF Statement

    Python LOOPS

    • How to use “While Loop”
    • How to use “For Loop”
    • How to use For Loop for set of other things besides numbers
    • Break statements in For Loop
    • Continue statement in For Loop
    • Enumerate function for For Loop

    Python Lists

    • Lists are mutable
    • Getting to Lists
    • List indices
    • Traversing a list
    • List operations
    • List slices
    • List methods
    • Map, filter and reduce

    Python TUPLE

    • Advantages of Tuple over List
    • Packing and Unpacking
    • Comparing tuples
    • Creating nested tuple
    • Using tuples as keys in dictionaries
    • Deleting Tuples
    • Slicing of Tuple
    • Tuple Membership Test

    Python Sets

    • How to create a set?
    • Iteration Over Sets
    • Python Set Methods
    • Python Set Operations
    • Union of sets
    • Built-in Functions with Set
    • Python Frozenset

    Python Dictionary

    • How to create a dictionary?
    • Python Hashing?
    • Python Dictionary Methods
    • Copying dictionary
    • Updating Dictionary
    • Delete Keys from the dictionary
    • Dictionary items() Method
    • Sorting the Dictionary
    • Python Dictionary in-built Functions

    Python Functions

    • What is a Function?
    • How to define and call a function in Python
    • Types of Functions
    • Significance of Indentation (Space) in Python
    • How Function Return Value?
    • Types of Arguments in Functions
    • Default Arguments
    • Non-Default Arguments
    • Keyword Arguments
    • Non-keyword Arguments
    • Arbitrary Arguments
    • Rules to define a function in Python
    • Various Forms of Function Arguments
    • Scope and Lifetime of variables
    • Anonymous Functions/Lambda functions
    • Map(), filter(), reduce() functions
      What is a Docstring?
    • Python Iterator,Generator,Closer and Decorator

    Advanced Python

    • Python Exception Handling
    • Python Errors
    • Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON
    • Abnormal termination
    • Chain of importance Of Exception
    • Exception Handling
    • Try … Except
    • Try ..Except .. else
    • Try … finally

    Python Class and Objects

    • Introduction to OOPs Programming
    • Object Oriented Programming System
    • OOPS Principles
    • Basic concept of Object and Classes
    • Access Modifiers
    • How to define Python classes
    • Self-variable in python
    • What is Inheritance? Types of Inheritance?
    • How Inheritance works?

    Python Regular Expressions

    • What is Regular Expression?
    • Regular Expression Syntax
    • Understanding Regular Expressions
    • Regular Expression Patterns
    • Literal characters

    Bootstrap (Powerful Mobile Front-End Framework)

    • What is Responsive Web Designing?
    • Typography Features
    • Bootstrap Tables, Buttons, Dropdowns, Navbars
    • Bootstrap Images
    • Bootstrap Responsive utilities
    • Bootstrap Glyph icons

    Bootstrap Grid System

    • What is a Grid?
    • What is Bootstrap Grid System?
    • Working of Bootstrap Grid System
    • Media Queries

    Grid Options

    • Responsive column resets
    • Offset columns
    • Nested columns

    Django Web Framework

    • What is a Framework
    • Introduction to Django
    • Django – Design Philosophies
    • History of Django
    • Why django and Features
    • Environment setup
    • Web Server

    MVC Pattern

    • MVC Architecture vs MVT Architecture
    • Django MVC – MVT Pattern

    Getting Started with Django

    • Creating the first Project
    • Integrating the Project to sublime text
    • The Project Structure
    • Running the server
    • Solving the issues and Migrations
    • Database Setup
    • Setting Up Your Project

    Create an Application

    • What Django Follows
    • Structure of django framework
    • Model Layer
    • What are models
    • Model fields
    • Querysets

    Django – Admin Interface

    • Starting the Admin Interface
    • Migrations

    Views Layer

    • Simple View
    • Basic view(displaying hello world)
    • Functional views, class based views

    Django – URL Mapping

    • Organizing Your URLs
    • Role of urls in djnago
    • Working urls
    • Forms
    • Sending Parameters to Views
    • Templates layer
    • The Render Function

    Django Template Language (DTL)

    • Role of template layer in django
    • Filters,Tags, Tag if, Tag for, Block and Extend Tags
    • Comment Tag, Usage of templates
    • Extending base template

    Django – Models

    • Creating a Model
    • Manipulating Data (CRUD)
    • Linking Models
    • Django – Page Redirection

    Django – Sending E-mails

    • Sending a Simple E-mail
    • Sending Multiple Mails with send_mass_mail
    • Sending HTML E-mail
    • Sending HTML E-mail with Attachments

    Django – Form Processing

    • Using Form in a View
    • Usage of forms
    • Crud operations using forms
    • Crispy forms in django

    Django – File Uploading

    • Uploading an Image
    • Django – Apache Setup

    Django – Cookies Handling

    • Django – Sessions
    • Django – Comments

    Django Admin

    • Creating Super User
    • Using admin in Django
    • Adding models to admin
    • Adding model objects using admin
    • Displaying in cmd using querysets
    • Admin interface Customization

    DjangoORM(Object Relational Mapping)

    DjangoAPI(Application Program Interface)

    • Creating a serializer.
    • Working with API views.
    • Filtering back ends.
    • Enabling pagination.
    • Executing CRUD operations.
    • Managing serializer fields.
    • Testing API views.

    Static files

    • Loading css files into templates
    • Loading js files into templates
    • Uploading image using models
    • User authentication

    Sample Projects and Websites

    • BLOGs Forums
    • Ecommerce Web Site
    • ToDo

    Frequently Asked Python Full Stack Interview Questions and Answer:

    1: What is Python?

    Ans: Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python is a cross-platform programming language, meaning, it runs on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac OS X, Linux etc.

    2: What is negative index in Python?

    Ans: Negative index is used in python to index starting from the last element of the list, tuple or any other container class which supports indexing. Python sequences can be index in positive and negative numbers. positive index – 0,1,2,3 etc and negative index – -1,-2,-3 etc. -1 refers to the last index, -2 refers to the second last index and so on.

    3: What is the difference between Django and Flask?

    Ans: Django can also used for larger applications. It includes an ORM. Flask is a “microframework” primarily build for a small application with simpler requirements. In flask, you have to use external libraries. Flask is ready to use.

    4: What is docstring in Python?

    Ans: Python documentation string is known as docstring, it is a way of documenting Python functions, modules and classes.

    5: What is Multi-Threading?

    Ans: The process of improving the performance of the CPU is known as Multi-Threading. Usually, it is seen as the ability of a program to be managed by multiple users at a single time. It is done by the execution of multiple processes that are supported by the operating system.

    6: What is a RESTful API?

    Ans: The term REST represents Representational State Transfer. It is a compositional style that is utilized to make Web Services. It utilizes HTTP solicitations to access and utilize the information. We can make, update, read, and erase information.

    7: How do you keep yourself updated about the new trends in the industry?

    Ans: This is a typical question to understand your involvement in technology. A good way to demonstrate your involvement in continuous learning would be by speaking about the community meetups you visit.

    8: What should a full-stack developer know?

    Ans: A full-stack developer should present with the accompanying:

    • Programming Languages: A full-stack developer should have a capacity for more than one programming language like Java, Python, Ruby, C++, and so on. One must become acquainted with various ways of organizing, configuring, executing, and testing the task-dependent on the programming language.
    • Front End: One must be acquainted with the front-end advancements like HTML5, CSS3, Angular, and so on. The comprehension of outsider libraries like jQuery, Ajax, SASS, adds more benefits.
    • Structures: Proficiency in words that are joined by advancement systems like Spring, Spring Boot, MyBatis, Django, PHP, Hibernate, js, yin, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
    • Data sets: One should be acquainted with somewhere around one information base. Assuming that you know about MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB it is adequate.
    • Design Ability: The information on model plans like UI and UX configuration is additionally fundamental.

    9: How is multithreading used?

    Ans: The main purpose of multithreading is to provide multiple threads of execution concurrently for maximum utilization of the CPU. It allows multiple threads to exist within the context of a process such that they execute individually but share their process resources.

    10: What is pass in Python?

    Ans: Pass means, no-operation Python statement, or in other words, it is a placeholder in a compound statement, where there should be a blank left and nothing has to be written there.

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