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The skill of ERP CRM program is its power to unite business operations and people as the best way to satisfy customers and still earn money for the business. The methodology is truly an overall strategy calculated to make it simpler for businesses to learn more about customers and their behavior.

ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, is all inclusive program solution that includes a business’ various operations and differing processes in to, complete, and unified process. ERP handles the information generated by all the differing features of a business, such as planning, manufacturing, logistics, stock, distribution, shipping, human resources, and financials.

CRM, on the other hand, stands for customer relationship management. This program helps businesses administer their relationships with past as well as potential customers. CRM takes care of sending follow up e-mails, relevant sales information, and special coupons. In fact, CRM can monitor communications and interactions with customers in a exact and punctual every time, although the management tools are not limited to general contact management. Nice CRM can track deals, territories, and sales while organizing knowledge to recognize new & fresh opportunities from the current client base.

Several companies invest in ERP CRM application as two separate processes because of a existing school of thought that says the work in opposition because they are front office and back office processes. It is considered that the distinction between CRM and ERP is that the first one is outward-looking, while the second is inward-looking. Those who hold this opinions state that sales, promotion, and service are what a customer can see of the business side of a company. The other processes are ones that take place away from the eyes of the customers Thus, according to them; ERP is used to provide financial and manufacturing functions while CRM is used to handle customer relations.


    • Introduction and CRM Definition
    • CRM Architecture Overview


    • Business Partners
    • Organizational Management
    • Product Master
    • Opportunity Management
    • Activity Management
    • Partner Determination
    • Sales Transactions
    • CRM Billing


    • Marketing Planning Et Campaign Management
    • Marketing Planning a Campaign Management
    • Personalized Forms
    • Campaign Execution
    • Lead Management
    • ASAP
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