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Core JAVA + Android + Kotlin


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While many languages can be used to build Android apps, Java is the language Google motivate developers to use. However, it’s not exactly the same as the Java you may have encountered on other platforms. There are some subtle differences and peculiarities and it’s important for you as an Android developer to get your head around them.


  • Introduction To Java

    • Understanding Requirement: why JAVA
    • Why java important to the internet

    Introduction to Java Virtual Machine

    • Java Virtual Machine Architecture
    • Class Loading Process By Class Loaders
    • Booting Loader
    • Extension Loader
    • System Loader
    • Role Of Just In Time Compiler (Jit)
    • Execution Engine

    An Overview Of Java And Buzzwords

    • Data Types , Variables ad Arrays Operators
    • Control statements
    • Object oriented paradigms Abstractions
    • The Three OOP Principles:
      (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism)

    Java Classes And Oop Implementation

    • Class fundamentals
    • Commands line arguments
    • Learning Static Initializer
    • Declaration of objects
    • Instance variable Hiding
    • Overloading and Overriding of Methods
    • Upcasting
    • Down casting
    • Understanding of Access Controls (private, public and protected)
    • Learning Nested and Inner classes
    • Dynamic method Dispatching
    • Using Abstract classes
    • Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance
    • Garbage collection

    5. Packages and Interfaces

    • Defining a package
    • Understanding CLASSPATH
    • Access Protection
    • Importing packages
    • Defining and Implementing interfaces
    • Anonymous classes
    • Abstract classes Vs interfaces
    • Adapter classes

    6. Exception Handling

    • Fundamental of Exception handling
    • Types of Exceptions
    • Learning exceptions handlers
    • Try and Catch
    • Multiple catch Clauses
    • Nested Try Statements
    • Throw, throws and finally
    • Creating custom exceptions
    • Assertion

    7. String Handling

    • Learning String Operation
    • Learning character Extraction
    • Learning string Comparison
    • Understanding string Buffer Classes
    • String builder class
    • Creating Immutable Class

    8. New In Jdk 5/6/7

    • Premain method, Object size
    • Generics
    • Annotions
    • Vargs
    • Static Import
    • For each
    • String in which

    9. Windows Programming Swing & Awt

    • Introduction to JFC
    • Controls

    10. Event Delegation Method

    • Event Classes
    • Event listeners

    11. Multi Threaded Programming

    • Creating a thread: Extended Thread and Implementing Runable
    • Creating multiple Thread and Context Switching
    • Synchronization: methods and statements
    • Inter thread Communication
    • Thread local
    • Dead lock
    • Threadpool executer class
    • Shutdown hookup
    • Re-entrent locking The java thread model
    • Creating a thread: Extended Thread and Implementing Runable
    • Creating multiple Thread and Context Switching
    • Synchronization: methods and statements
    • Inter thread Communication
    • Thread local
    • Dead lock
    • Threadpool executer class
    • Shutdown hookup
    • Re-entrent lockingber

    12. Introduction to I/O Streams

    • File handling
    • Binary Streams
    • Character stream
    • Serialization
    • Scanner
    • Stream tokenizer
    • String tokenizer
    • GzipOutStream class
    • Data Encryption & decryption

    13. Networking

    • URL, InetAddress
    • Socket And Server Socket
    • Datagram socket
    • Socket factories

    14. Reflection API

    • Determining the class of an object
    • Getting information about classes modifier, fields, methods, constructor, and super classes
    • Finding out constant and method declaration belong to an interface
    • Creating an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime
    • Invoking a method on an object if the method is unknown until runtime
    • Creating a new array whose size and components type are not know until runtime
    • Invoking private member of a class
    • Getting and setting value of an objects field if field name is unknown until runtime

    15. Collection Framework

    • The Collection Interfaces (list , set, Sorted set)
    • Accessing a Collection via an Iterator
    • Working with maps
    • Working with Comparators
    • The Collection Algorithms
    • Date and Time Handling
    • Collection Class
    • Array class


    1. Introduction to Android

    • Introduction to Android
    • Brief history of Android
    • What is Android?
    • Why is Android important?
    • What benefits does Android have?
    • What is OHA?
    • Why to choose Android?
    • Software architecture of Android
    • Advantages of Android
    • Android features Android market
    • Comparing Android with other platform
    • Terms and acronyms

    2. Installation and Configuration of Android

    • Details about the software requirement
    • Download and installation process of Android SDK
    • How to select Android version?
    • Step to create new project?
    • Running your application
    • Creation of new AVD
    • Android studio

    3. Getting Started

    • How to select Android version?
    • Step to create new project
    • Running Your Application
    • Creation of New AVD
    • Creating run configuration
    • Creating your first Android activity
    • List of basic sample programs

    4. Introductions to Application Components Activities

    • Services
    • Broadcast receivers
    • Content providers Intents
    • Notifications
    • Activating and shutting down components
    • Brief idea about manifest file/li>
    • Brief idea about activities and Task

    5. Android Component Life Cycle

    • Activity Life Cycle with sample program
    • Service Life Cycle with sample program

    6. Android Layouts

    • What are views, Layouts and there classification?
    • How Android Draws views and Layout Classification?
    • Table Layout ln detail with Example
    • Tab Layout ln detail with Example
    • Frame Layout ln detail with Example
    • Linear Layout in detail with Example

    7. Android Views

    • Grid View In detail With Example
    • Map View In detail with Example
    • Cont. Sub Topical Views
    • Web View In detail with Example
    • Spinner In detail with Example
    • Gallery In detail with Example
    • Google Map View In detail with Example
    • Introduction to creating activity user with views
    • Different ways of creating views Using xml

    8. Styles and Themes

    • Providing resources
    • Different resource file location
    • Providing alternative resources
    • Android finds the best matching resource
    • Accessing resources
    • Accessing platform resources
    • Handling runtime changes
    • Introduction to Jquery
    • JQuery work in Android

    9. What are Fragments?

    • Multipane & Singlepane
    • Fragment Life Cycle
    • Addition of Fragments
    • Fragments Working without UI

    10. Introduction to Menus

    • How to create menus?
    • Types of Android Application Menus
    • Option Menu
    • Expanded – In detail with Example
    • Context Menu ln detail with example
    • Sub Menu-In detail with example

    11. Introduction to Drawers

    • Navigation Drawer
    • Simple Side Drawer
    • Tab Drawer
    • Extra Drawer

    12. Handling User Interaction Events

    • Handling user events
    • Different types of event listener
    • OnClickO
    • OnLongClickO
    • OnFocusChangeO
    • OnKeyO OnTouchO
    • OnCreateContextMenuO
    • Different types of event handler
    • OnKeyDown (int, KeyEvent)
    • OnKeyUp (int, KeyEvent)
    • OnTrackballEvent (MotionEvent)
    • OnTouchEvent (MotionEvent)
    • OnFocusChanged (boolean,int,Rect)

    13. Creating Dialogs

    • Introduction to dialogs
    • Showing and dismissing of dialog boxes
    • Alert dialog In detail with example
    • Progress dialog In detail with example
    • Threading and handler
    • Creating running applications-Events
    • Creating running applications-Dialogs

    14. Notifications

    • Notifying Users
    • Status bar Notification
    • Toast Notification
    • Dialog Notification

    15. Intents, Broadcast Receivers, Adapters and Internet

    • Different types of intent?
    • Launching sub-activities
    • What is intent filter
    • Intent objects—In detail with example
    • Using intents to take pictures
    • Handling sub activity results

    16. Data Storage

    • Android techniques for data storage
    • Creating and saving shared preferences
    • Retrieving shared preferences
    • Storing in files
    • Loading from files.
    • Storing in databases.

    17.Working with SQL Lite

    • Introducing SQLite database.
    • Working with Android databases.
    • Using SQLite OpenHelper.
    • Cursors and content values.
    • Opening and closing Database

    18. Working in Background

    • Introducing services
    • Creating and controlling services
    • Registering a service in the manifest
    • Starting, controlling, and interacting with a service

    19. Using the Camera, Taking Pictures and the Media API

    • Controlling the camera and taking pictures
    • Playing audio and video
    • Introducing the media player
    • Preparing audio for playback
    • Packaging audio as an application resource
    • Initializing audio content for playback
    • Preparing for video playback
    • Playing video using the video view
    • Setting up a surface for video playback
    • Initializing video content for playback
    • Supported video formats
    • Controlling playback
    • Managing media playback output
    • Multimedia supported audio formats
    • Recording audio and video
    • Using Intents to Record Video
    • Configuring and Controlling Video Recording
    • Previewing Video Recording
    • Reading and Writing JPEG EXIF Image Details
    • Adding new media to media storage Using the Media Scanner
    • Inserting Media into the Media Store Raw video manipulation
    • Recording Sound with Audio Record
    • Playing Sound with Audio Track Speech recognition
    • Creating and Running and Testing

    20. Maps, GEO coding and Location Based Services

    • Using Location Based Services
    • Working with the location manager
    • Configuring the Emulator to Test Location Based Services

    21. About ADB (Android Debug Bridge)

    • DDMS: Dalvik debug monitor Service
    • Trace View

    22.Data Security and Permission

    • Security Architecture
    • User Ids and File Access
    • Using Permissions
    • Declaring and Enforcing Permissions

    23. Drawing 2D and 3D Graphics

    • Rolling your own Widgets
    • Drawables
    • Bitmaps
    • Paint

    24. Using Bluetooth and Managing and Monitoring Wi-Fi

    • Accessing the Local Bluetooth Device Adapter
    • Managing Bluetooth Properties and State
    • Managing Device Discoverability
    • Discovering Remote Devices
    • Monitoring Active Connection Details
    • Scanning for Hotspots
    • Managing Wi-Fi Configurations
    • Creating Wi-Fi Network Configurations
    • Device Vibration
    • Controlling device vibration

    25. Introduction SMS and MMS

    • Using SMS and MMS in Your Application
    • Sending SMS and MMS from your Application
    • Using Intents and the Native Client Sending SMS Messages Manually Tracking and Conforming SMS Message Delivery
    • Conforming to the Maximum SMS
    • Message Size Sending DAT Messages

    26. Content Providers

    • What is content provider
    • How to access build in Content provider
    • Retrieving build – in Content provider data

    27. Android Telephony

    • Launching the Dialer to Initiate Phone Calls Replacing the Native Dialer
    • Accessing phone and Network Properties & Status
    • Reading Phone Device Details
    • Reading Data Connection and Transfer State Reading Network Details

    28. Sensor Device

    • Using sensors and the sensor manager
    • Introducing Sensors
    • Supported Android Sensers
    • Finding Sensors
    • Using Sensors
    • Interpreting the sensor values
    • Using the compass , accelerometer and orientation sensors
    • Introducing Accelerometers Detecting Acceleration Changes Creating a G-Forceometer

    29. Further Advanced Topics

    • Binding Activities to services
    • Prioritizing Background services
    • Binding data with service

    30.Web Services with Architecture

    • What are webservices
    • Web service Architecture
    • Asyn Task
    • REST & SOAP
    • Parsing Techniques JSON, XML Consuming WebServices CRUD Operations over Server


    • Introduction to JSON
    • Advantages of JSON over XML
    • Syntax & Structure of JSON
    • Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications Different types JSON Parsers ,simple json , Jackson , GSON to parse the JSON

    32. Volley Library

    • Introduction Volley Library
    • Volley Library Advantages
    • Volley Library Components
    • How to setup the Environment Creating Volley singleton class Different Types of Requests Adding request headers Handling Volley Cache

    33. FIREBASE

    • Realtime Database
    • Cloud Storage
    • Authentication
    • Cloud Messaging
    • AdMob
    • Crash Reporting

    34. Google Cloud Messaging

    • What is GCM ?
    • GCM Architecture
    • GCM Services
    • Instant Messaging
    • TTL (Time to Live)
    • Group Messaging
    • Server Communication

    35. Integration

    • Facebook Integration
    • Twitter Integration
    • Google/Gmail Integration
    • Payment Gateway Integration

    36. Material Design

    • List and Card
    • View Shadows/ Custom Shadows
    • App Bar /Action Bar
    • Matterial Theme
    • Adapter view and Recycler View

    37. Animation

    • Clockwise
    • Zoom
    • Fade
    • Blink
    • Move
    • Slide

    38. Debugging and testing Android Apps

    • 20g Cat
    • Debugger
    • Trace View
    • Monkey Runner
    • UI Automator

    39. COCOS – 2D

    • Introduction to COCOS-2D
    • How to setup the Environment for COCOS-2D
    • COCOS-2D Components
    • CCDirector
    • CCLayer
    • CCNode
    • CCSprite
    • CCMenus
    • Cocos-2D Actions ( CCMoveTo , CCRotateTo, CCJumpTo, CCScale , CCOrbit , CCBlink , CCFadeIn/Out …..)
    • CCSequence & CCRepeat actions.

    40. JUNIT

    • Android automated testing
    • Android test strategy
    • How to test Android applications
    • What to test on Android applications
    • Testing preconditions
    • User interface tests
    • Which tests require an Android system to run?/li>
    • Testing standard Java classes
    • Testing Java classes which use the Android
    • Android test projects and running tests
    • Creating a test project & Running tests


    60. Kotlin for Android Development

    • Introduction and Setup the environment
    • Introduction
    • Install java JDK
    • Install IntelliJ IDEA


    • Program concept
    • Run first App
    • Variable Concept
    • Define Variables
    • Var vs Val
    • Input data – ReadLine
    • Add Comments
    • Null safety

    Operations and Priorities

    • Convert between Data Type
    • Math operations.
    • Priorites
    • Increment and Decrement
    • What is the Output
    • Debug your Code step by step

    Decision Making

    • Logic statement
    • Simple IF
    • IF- Else
    • IF- ElseIF
    • Nested IF
    • When
    • Expression If and When.

    Loop Control

    • Simple For Loop
    • Nested For Loop
    • While Loop
    • Do While Loop
    • Returns and Jumps

    Collections and Strings

    • String
    • One-Dimension Array structure
    • One-Dimension Array implementation ArrayList
    • HashMap
    • mapOf, Arrayof, listOf and mutableListOf setOf and mutableSetOf


    • Simple Function
    • Function Overload
    • Polymorphism
    • Global and Local Variables

    Object Oriented Programming

    • What is oops
    • Simple Class
    • Constructor
    • Inheritance
    • Visibility Modifiers
    • Overriding
    • Casting
    • super and this
    • interface
    • Abstract
    • Enum
    • Generic
    • Extensions
    • Packages
    • Inner and Nested Class
    • Lazy and Singleton design pattern


    • Exceptions: Try-Catch
    • File Write
    • File Read

    Multi Threading

    • Multi Threading Concept
    • Multi Threading example

    Implementation of Kotlin in Adnroid Application Final Project

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